Monday, November 11, 2013


In the midst of the past 60 years a lot of good things have happened.  We hear a lot about the bad stuff, but sociological changes, inventions and medicine have revolutionized our lives for the better.

Birth control pill-  Women have a choice.  They now have an option to limit the size of their family.

Photo credit: Mike Licht, / / CC BY

Polio vaccine-  Polio was a scourge in the 1950s.  My mother lived in constant fear that one of her 7 children would come down with it.
Photo credit: PV2 Andrew W. McGalliard / / Public Domain Mark 1.0

Voting and Civil Rights Act passed-  Long overdue.

Photo credit: THE Holy Hand Grenade! / / CC BY-ND
Photo credit: Tony Fischer Photography / / CC BY

Election of our first black president-  That didn’t seem possible, but we did it!

Photo credit: Master Sgt. Cecilio Ricardo, U.S. Air Force / / Public domain

More liberal thinking about gays and lesbians-  In many states same-sex marriage is allowed.

Photo credit: Pilottage / / CC BY

Coronary bypass surgery-  Heart problems took too many of my ancestors. 
Great to know something can be done about it now.

Photo credit: aussiegall / / CC BY

Married women working outside the home-  Good to have a choice.
Again, it would be nice if equal pay were involved.

Photo credit: Rsms / / CC BY-NC

Automatic dishwashers-  Although invented earlier they didn’t become available commercially until the 1970s.  Now, thankfully, no one has to hear “whose turn is it to do the dishes?”

Photo credit: alsis35 (now at ipernity) / / CC BY-NC

Air conditioning-  My family lived in Florida in the 50s and 60s, in a big house with one air conditioned room.  All of us camped out in that one room!
Photo credit: THE Holy Hand Grenade! / / CC BY-ND

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1 comment:

  1. My best friend when I was a child had polio before they moved to Florida. She walked with a limp but managed quite well otherwise. I was horrified to think of being in an iron lung which she was. I hate being in any of those enclosed machines for medical tests and that's for only a few minutes!

    We're very fortunate to live in a more advanced and enlightened world.
