Monday, February 24, 2014


Even we hardy souls who live on the shore of Lake Ontario think this has been an exceedingly rough winter.  We’re used to heavy deep snows and a few sub zero temperatures but these arctic blasts keep coming at us and we and the rest of the country, too, are ready for any signs of spring!  

Short of drinking yourself into oblivion or becoming morbid and immersing yourself in Icelandic poetry there are a few other ways to ward off depression and the blahs

Put your hiking boots on and go for a walk.  If possible take a dog with you.  Dogs seem to take an innate joy in snow.  The deeper the better.

Buy a gardening catalog and pick out your spring planting scheme.  Visualize all those marvelous colors.

Hot tea or hot cocoa are great mood lifters.  Don’t forget the marshmallow with the cocoa.

Take some  time to look over your warm weather clothes.  Try a few things on and don’t look out the window-that snow will be gone soon.  Spring merchandise is in the stores right now and it’s not too soon to invest in a few new things.  Try to hold off wearing them just yet.  No point in freezing!

Whatever kind of music makes you happy-listen to it!  

When I’m really bored I rearrange furniture in my house.  I always think it looks better and that makes me happy!

On dark and depressing days you can curl up with a friend and a good book or in the inimitable words of a great and learned lady “curl up under the covers with a friend who’s read a good book.”

Hang in there! This winter of 2013-14 has been one for the record books and you can say you lived through it!

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