Time is like a telescope and I think I’ve been looking through the short end. Events are a lot farther back than what I remember. What seems like 25 years ago is actually 50. How could 1964 be 50 years ago? When I was 15 the term “50 years ago” sounded like the turn of the century and actually it was!
Trying to keep time from moving so fast works out about as well as putting a brick on your child’s head to keep him from growing up.
When I was born, the Civil War had ended only 70 years earlier. Now it’s almost 180 years ago.
The Armistice for World War 1 had been signed just 17 years earlier. Now it’s 96 years ago. No, it doesn’t seem like yesterday!
I have a mental image of my high school classmates as being forever 17 years old. The reality is, they’ve aged (and I haven’t?) Sure.
My mother was always cagey about her age. When I was 13 I found out quite accidentally she was 36 years old. I thought, “Wow. She is old!”
My kids are in their early 50’s. It can’t be 28 years since I was that age.
When I was 21 I thought I had all the time in the world. I still think I do because I have 22 years yet til I’m 100!
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Stay tuned!
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Trying to keep time from moving so fast works out about as well as putting a brick on your child’s head to keep him from growing up.
The Armistice for World War 1 had been signed just 17 years earlier. Now it’s 96 years ago. No, it doesn’t seem like yesterday!
I have a mental image of my high school classmates as being forever 17 years old. The reality is, they’ve aged (and I haven’t?) Sure.
When I was 21 I thought I had all the time in the world. I still think I do because I have 22 years yet til I’m 100!
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