Sunday, March 30, 2014


It really isn’t much fun to fly anymore.  A hassle, anyway you look at it.  Very expensive for what you get, which isn’t much.  But back in the 60s an aviation entrepreneur named Freddie Laker had the wonderful idea of starting a “no frills “airline. 

I have a special fondness for Laker Airways because I was a “no frills” passenger on several of their flights between Gatwick Airport in England and JFK Airport in NYC during that time.

In September of 1977 Laker Airways introduced its first daily SKYTRAIN low fare scheduled service between London’s Gatwick and New York’s JFK.  The one way fare was £32 in winter and £37 in summer.  Tickets were sold on the day of departure.

Seats were sold on a “first come-first served” basis and passengers brought their own food aboard. The whole enterprise appealed to discount travelers: backpackers, families with children and adventurers in general.

Laker Airways was one of the early buyers of the first AIRBUS airliners.

Freddie Laker was knighted and became Sir Freddie Laker for his contribution to British aviation.

We couldn’t believe it when SKYTRAIN declared bankruptcy in 1982 owing more than£250 million.  The company had expanded too quickly and was undercapitalized.  There were possible implications of the decision to build the business on discount travelers only.

Other larger airlines were aggressively price matching Laker Airways even by doing so they were suffering huge losses themselves.

There were a lot of trips to Europe after that for me but flying has never been that much fun again.

Sir Freddie Laker died in 2006 in Florida at the age of 83.  Thanks for the ride, Freddie! 

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  1. I remember packing a peanut butter sandwich to eat on a Laker flight to London in 1985!

  2. I remember People's Express, $50 from Denver to San Diego. You paid on the plane! That was a Freddie Laker protégé that started that line, inspired by Freddie. I think People's Express has a new incarnation nowadays, but not out here.
