Monday, March 3, 2014


Humans have been wearing shoes of some sort for around 40,000 years.  Sandals were the most common footwear in early civilization and in modern times flip flops carry on the same tradition.  There are a myriad of shoe styles now- some bizarre and some extraordinarily comfortable.  I can say we honestly love shoes.  Women, especially!

Around 1850 shoemakers started making right and left shoes.  Until then all shoes were made on a straight last.

Sneakers were mass marketed in 1917 under the Keds name.  The word “sneakers” came to be because the rubber sole was quiet hence you could “sneak up” on someone.

During the 1940s and 1950s we referred to warm weather shoes such as sneakers and sandals as “playshoes.”

Brown and white saddle shoes were enormously popular during that era. The white part was kept pristine with white shoe polish.  And of course “bobby sox” were an integral part of the picture.  I don’t miss saddle shoes.

Bare feet are more fun but unfortunately it’s a necessity to wear shoes most of the time so they might as well be comfortable.   Wearing shoes changes the way humans walk.

There are differences between feet that regularly wear shoes and those that don’t.

Wearing tight shoes can lead to bunions  and 5 inch heels can shorten the ligaments in the leg.  People who don’t wear shoes have wider feet and a larger space between the big toe and the second toe.

Sage advice has always been “don’t wear the same pair of shoes every day.” 

That calls for a whole wardrobe of shoes!  Any old excuse!  We love our shoes!

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1 comment:

  1. When I saw the shoe picture I wondered how someone got in my bedroom to take that photo! LOL! Not quite that many but that's how I store some of mine. Since I retired last year I'm noticing that some of them are getting dusty. I'm thinking eBay.

    Thanks for the reminder on the saddleshoes. Worst things ever and that little applicator sponge from the white polish got on everything, including your fingers. Never missed them once school was over!
