Monday, August 12, 2013


When I was growing up in the 1950s I didn’t know these goodies existed.  My father was a beer drinker,  the chocolate was milk chocolate bunnies at Easter and yoghurt was somewhere in the future.  My first husband was Greek.

RED WINE, a delight to drink and health benefits, too!  Research is on going but resveratrol seems to be the key ingredient that  helps prevent damage to blood vessels, and reduces bad cholesterol.  Resveratrol  comes from the skin of grapes used to make wine. Because red wine is fermented with grape skins longer than white wine, red wines contain more resveratrol,  The word is “keep it  down to one drink a day”  and all will be well.      Photo credit: YannGarPhoto / Foter / CC BY-SA

DARK CHOCOLATE,  truly a gift from the gods!  It’s chocolate without milk solids added.The cocoa content of dark chocolate can range from 30% to above 80%.  At least 70% is considered the most health beneficial. Some of the benefits are: it helps to control blood sugar and it’s full of anti-oxidants.  All my life I’ve loved Mounds Bars.  Now I know why!            Photo credit: el patojo / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

GREEK YOGHURT, wish this had come on the U.S. market years ago!  With the same amount of calories as regular yoghurt, it can pack up to double the protein while cutting the sugar content in half. Think Mediterranean Diet, think Greek yoghurt. Breakfast for me is Greek yoghurt first and then my black coffee. Best ever!       Photo credit: Mr. T in DC / Foter / CC BY-ND

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  1. My new favorite yogurt is the hazelnut flavor (with actual chopped-up hazelnuts) I had in Ireland recently. Sure wish I could find it in the U.S.!

    1. Thanks, anonymous- I'm waiting for the hazelnut flavor, too!

  2. Greek yoghurt all the way! It's so good it's almost like eating pudding. Before we could buy those nice cups of yoghurt at the grocery store we had yoghurt makers. I laugh when I think how time-consuming it was, but they were a big seller back in the early '70s.

    1. I never did get a yoghurt maker way back when. But I'm making up for it now!
